Farm at Land's End, Pennsylvania is an exercise in light and dark, as well as the translation of "still-life" techniques into Plein-Aire style, with the emphasis on shape, form, mass and composition. Patchy sunlight, silhouetted tree-line, rolling soil and rounded silo with ladders and side-detail, highlighted thatched roofing on the house, soft late-afternoon back-lighting and shadows along the fence-line and banked ditch along the roadside make this a very ambitious drawing project.
Price: $25
GRAPHITE LITHOGRAPHIC STYLE MINIATURE LANDSCAPES — $25 each. Yes, that is the wholesale price, no discount for quantity, because there’s a lot of cost behind each print, and we don’t control the printing costs, the printers do. The originals were created in graphite on Heavyweight 300 gram Arches Rives BFK etching paper, and were massaged into prints by Marvette, who matched the prints with the originals. In a frame, you can’t tell the difference between the print and the original. My original graphite works are no longer for sale, prints only.