Corner Downing Varick from SONY Series
Corner Downing Varick from SONY Series
June 6th - June 28th, 2002
OPENING: June 5th 5-8pm
H. Heather Edelman Gallery
141 West 20th Street, NY, NY 10011
E.J. Gold, an accomplished jazz composer, magazine publisher, painter, sculpture and author has impressed art collectors worldwide with his extraordinary talent. For the past 35 years, he has participated in over 200 one man and group international art exhibitions. Gold's diverse creative personality and style has provided a fertile environment for his many collaborations with such legendary stars as John Cage, Harry Nilsson, Margaret Randall, Merce Cunningham, to name a few. He recently created the art installation for the Wynton Marsalis Concert and he is scheduled to provide additional artwork for future events.
E.J. Gold is an Otis Institute graduate. His art career began at the legendary Children's Art Carnival at the Met in 1945 and was shaped by his contact with the Woodstock Art Students League and the New York School of Abstract Expressionism. He is the founder of the School of Reductionism and the Western Plein-Air Workshop. Gold's weekly art classes are scheduled for national syndication. He has authored over 50 books in print and has produced or performed in over 600 CDs. He is the current editor of Gateway's new golden age science fiction imprint, Retro SF and the publisher of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine.
E.J. Gold's recent shows include Master in Black (charcoals), My Other Self (portraits) and Larger Than Life (monumentals). Gold's art can be found in art collections of such celebrities as Catherine Oxenberg, Curtis Armstrong, President Clinton and the late King Hussein of Jordan.
E.J. Gold grew up in New York and presents a retrospective of his youth in this colorful show which depicts neighborhood and commercial scenes from the New York City of the 1940s and 1950s.